‘Collaborate-Innovate- Advocate’ was the catch-cry of the day when all of our Member organisations gathered at Roelands Village this week for the AGM.
You see, we are not just one organisation working in isolation, but an Association that represents the collective views and interests of 11 community-based environmental groups spread across the entire South West NRM region.
We work collaboratively and collectively to strengthen the innovation, quality and scale of impact of our environmental solutions.
2022/23 Outcomes
By working with our funding partners and Association Members, many great outcomes were reported by South West NRM at the AGM for 2022/23.
These included completion of multi-year projects in:
- Creating safe-havens for priority nationally-listed threatened mammal species
- Protecting WA Black Cockatoos and Margaret River Burrowing Crayfish
- Conservation of the region’s three internationally-significant, Ramsar-listed wetlands; Vasse Wonnerup, Muir-Byenup and Lake Toolibin
- Managing vegetation on farms, targeting pollinators and farm resilience
- Use of eDNA to transform pollinator management and productivity in avocado farms in the South West.
More highlights
Some additional highlights of the year, that all contributed toward building healthier and more productive ecosystems in the South West, were:
- Design and delivery of a project benchmarking sub-soil carbon
- Farm assessments completed for the Farming for the Future program, which aims to measure and optimise on-farm natural capital for increased resilience
- The production of Land Management Strategies for farmers participating in Department of Primary Industry and Regional Development’s Carbon for Farmers Voucher Program
- Over 45,000 seedlings planted at revegetation sites
- Black Cockatoo surveys conducted across 3,617 ha of remnant vegetation
- In four trials across 56,000 ha, feral cat activity reduced by up to 49 per cent after deployment of Felixer technology
AGM location – Roelands Village
Pictured is Roelands Village Farm Manager Michael Bulley presenting to the group on work by Woolkabunning Kiaka Aboriginal Corporation, who manage the Roelands property.
Michael’s presentation provided opportunities for attendees to interact with and learn about the Roelands Mission story and Aboriginal cultural heritage. Michael spoke of how the Country has been significantly altered since European settlement and restoration activities are underway and that Aboriginal people take responsibility for their own future and will continue to champion practicing their culture.
You can read more about the history of the Roelands Village and work happening there now via their website:
Our Members
- Blackwood Basin Group
- Blackwood Environment Society Inc.
- Dumbleyung Landcare Inc
- FAWNA Inc.
- GeoCatch
- Katanning Landcare
- Leschenault Catchment Council
- Lower Blackwood Landcare
- Nature Conservation Margaret River
- Southern Forests Community Landcare
- Busselton Dunsborough Environment Centre