We work with organisations that are genuinely committed to building a healthier, more productive South West.
As a regional NRM, we think global: we understand the drivers, complexities and benefits of delivering ESG (environmental, social and governance) programs. And we act local: We’re a team of natural resource management experts with an intimate knowledge of our region who can deliver solutions at the local and regional scale.

Our Services
Our team has a broad range of skills and experience, allowing us to tailor solutions to landholder and business needs. Some of our solutions include:
ESG partnerships
Organisations large and small are increasingly expected to make meaningful environmental and social commitments and demonstrate lasting impact. We co-design ESG strategies and programs that contribute to big-picture, landscape-scale outcomes.
From corporate planting days to co-delivering large ecological restoration projects, we have the expertise and capability to help you demonstrate your commitments.
Carbon farming
We’re committed to ensuring that carbon projects take a systems approach, delivering environmental and social benefits beyond carbon sequestration. We can help you design your carbon farming project and identify potential partners.
Biodiversity planning
With the introduction of international frameworks and taskforces, corporate carbon and biodiversity action and reporting is becoming business as usual. Our knowledge of the region’s ecosystems allows us to co-develop best practice strategies and action plans.
Ecosystem restoration
We’re experienced in wetland and terrestrial rehabilitation, building habitat for wildlife, revegetation and sustainable agricultural practices.
We have 20 years of demonstrated experience in conservation of threatened ecosystems and species via a suite of tailored interventions.
Looking to invest in a strategic partnership?
We’re keen to hear from impact investors, organisations and philanthropists who can take our impact to the next level.