Annual possum count results are in!

Committed volunteer possum counters across the South West and Peel Regions have spent a total of 2,559 night hours over the past eight years recording sightings to help track population size and locations of the critically endangered western ringtail possum.

Data collected shows there is more work to do in restoring numbers of these special mammals which are found only in the South West of WA, with tally results indicating only a very small increase in numbers across the lengthy survey period.

The tally also showed 450 recorded deaths across the eight autumn surveys with 64 per cent attributed to roadkill.

Threatened species conservation forms a large part of the work our environment experts undertake at South West NRM.

Threatened Species Project Manager Lorraine Duffy said: “We achieve this outcome by working with our partners on collaborative projects to protect and build habitat, increase their numbers and build knowledge of their threats, distribution and behaviour.”

Over the past five years, under our threatened species program we’ve undertaken:

  • 143ha of native revegetation
  • 240ha of weed control
  • 26km of fencing to protect 229ha of habitat
  • 58,000ha of feral animal control

Ms Duffy said she hoped as a result of this work, possum counters would start to see an increase in western ringtails over coming years.

You can read more about our ongoing program of work to restore the western ringtail possum on the below dedicated page.