Smooth marron (left) and hairy marron. Marron illustrations: © R.Swainston/anima.Fish
Comments from South West NRM CEO Dr Manda Page in response to recent pledge by Fisheries Minister Don Punch that a re-elected Labor Government would put $3 million into creating more diverse habitats for smooth marron in South West dams to support the popular tourist potential of marron season:
While investment in nature which also benefits recreation and tourism in the South West is most welcome, I would also encourage deeper thought on increased investment in the natural treasures themselves, especially the ones that are at risk of extinction.
It is our very unique and globally-recognised landscapes, plants and animals that make our region special and they are key in drawing people to live, work and visit us here.
We have 108 nationally-listed threatened species in our South West – 84 plants and 24 animals.
I applaud Fisheries Minister Don Punch’s recent pledge that a re-elected Labor Government would invest $3 million into improving habitats for smooth marron with a view to boosting numbers for recreational fishers.
It would be great to see a similar investment in preventing extinction of the critically-endangered hairy marron which occurs only in a few fresh water locations in and near Margaret River.
It is similar in appearance and size to the more common and well-recognised smooth marron. It’s only physically distinguishable by a distinctive cover of short, bristled hairs on its head, down to its thorax.
Last month, South West NRM launched a new project to help prevent the hairy marron from slipping into extinction, with funding from the Australian Government and being delivered in partnership with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.
Under the project, fauna surveys will be undertaken to search for populations of hairy marron in locations surrounding the existing known habitat. If located, protection measures will be implemented to reduce habitat degradation and to prevent interbreeding with smooth marron.
In collaboration with DBCA, research will also be conducted on appropriate processes for release of hairy marron to inform future conservation efforts.
Eventually we hope that new populations can be established using hairy marron that are being bred at Perth Zoo as part of a captive breeding program.
We hope this will make some inroads into rescuing the species but additional investment will be needed for this and many other species facing extinction risk in our precious region.
This project is funded by the Australian Government’s Natural Heritage Trust and delivered by South West NRM, a member of the Commonwealth Regional Delivery Partners panel.