Explore the resources below covering techniques and strategies adapting to the challenges of our drying climate.
Producers highlight value of autumn grazing deferral
New soil moisture monitoring tech for drought resilience and profitability
Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub
Surviving the Dry – Building community resilience during times of drought
Managing pastures and adapting orchards for dry seasons – James Scott, Nannup
Seepage interceptor drains for water capture and quality – Martin Bleechmore, Boyup Brook
Complacency with drought preparedness a risk in beef and vineyards – Ryan Gibbs, Ferguson
Beef adaptations for dry seasons – Mark Thomas, Serpentine-Jarrahdale
How time of calving and perennial pastures help manage dry seasons – Tim Bending, Shire of Murray
Nutrition skills and shade trees makes dairy prepared for drought – Ruth McGregor, Busselton
Fodder quality and feed budgeting prepares livestock producers for drought – Dinninup and Pemberton
Using Rumen8 to create profitable cattle diets – Paula Carroll, Cundinup
From neighbouring NRM regions
Drought Adaptation: Wheatbelt beef
Climate resilient livestock enterprises
Using Rumen8 software to create cattle diets Part 2 (How to use)
Using Rumen8 software to create cattle diets Part 3 (Case Study)
Using Rumen8 software to create cattle diets Part 4 (Additional tips)
Desalination and water smart farms in WA
Confinement Feeding – Facey Group
How to make quality hay and silage
Forage testing: Why, when and how
Assessing forage dry matter with a microwave