Explore the resources below covering techniques and strategies for improving pasture productivity in a sustainable way.
Can serradella increase nitrogen in our pastures?
Forage Testing: Why, When & How
Producers highlight value of autumn grazing deferral
Managing root disease in legumes to increase pasture production
Advisors wrapped up with silage workshop
Pasture Challenge project learnings
Enriching Pastures and Profits with high-value forage shrubs
Using Rumen8 to create profitable cattle diets
Soil conditions on 24 high rainfall livestock properties in SW WA
Lessons for adopting perennial pastures
Managing non-wetting soils in South West WA
Incorporating mixed forage shrubs on 10% of a Pingelly farm
Establishing and grazing saltbush with Dr Hayley Norman and Dustin McCreery
Better quality fodder and feed budgeting decisions – Grazing Matcher Program 2024
Better pasture and soil management: Lessons from the Busselton Pasture Challenge
Confinement feeding with beef cattle a no brainer!
Crucial considerations for confinement feeding
3 ways tissue testing can help pasture growth
Tissue testing for plant & animal health
Basic rotational grazing plan with Dr Martin Staines
Farmer feedback from the first Grazing Matcher Program (2018)
Farmer benefits from the 2018 Grazing Matcher Program
Rotational Grazing ryegrass-based pastures with Dan Parnell Part 1
Rotational Grazing ryegrass-based pastures with Dan ParnellPart 2
Growing with Grazing Matcher: 2020 Rosa Glen case study
Diagnosing legume constraints with Sofie De Meyer
Inoculating legumes with Neil Ballard
Establishing perennial pastures with cereals in Manjimup with Paul Omodei
Incorporating mixed forage shrubs on 10% of a Pingelly farm
Pasture cropping into kikuyu at Arthur River
How to feed test hay to measure quality
Using forage shrubs for profit and resilience with Dr Dean Revell
Nutrient Calculator – interprets soil test results for high rainfall soils
Nutrient Best Management Practices
Ryegrass spring grazing management paddock guide
Rumen8 – online stock nutrition / feed allocation tool